Crazy Little Thing Called Love

I haven't seen my students for a couple weeks now.
Unlike a lot of people, I was *enjoying* the quarantine. I consider myself an ambivert. My whole life, I've enjoyed being an introvert, but I get a charge out of teaching because forcing myself to be extroverted, confronting my fear of being in front of a crowd, is a thrill. Still, I'm an English teacher and an introvert at heart; forced to stay home and read books? Yes, please!
But I did not expect to miss my students so much. Finally, yesterday and today, I met with members of my two clubs: the Gender-Sexuality Alliance on Monday, and the Tabletop Role-Playing Group on Tuesday. And I was so, so happy to see them. I have children of my own, and I can't imagine my life without them, but being a teacher fills a void in my life that I didn't know was there.
I see my kids every day during this crisis. I get to take care of them. Seeing my students for just a little while every week, knowing they are safe and happy, it makes me feel complete in a way. I love being a part of their lives, even just a little bit and for a little while.


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